10 January 2008

a new year

what's one more new year post?!

how about an introduction to me?

i currently need to take a shower. i drank too much last night and was hit on by a man who is not my boyfriend. it made me uncomfortable. perhaps more on that later... perhaps not.

i'm almost 23 but i feel as if i've been this old (emotionally) since i was 14 and realized my father is an alcoholic. my father is still my hero and i will always be a daddy's girl. my mother is also a hero of mine because she too was an alcoholic but quit *cold turkey* to take care of my sister and i.

i was always the "good one" out of my sister and i when we were growing up. she is older than me and has already been married, divorced, and married again before turning 30. she's currently pregnant with her first child and my first niece or nephew... i'm very excited. my sister and i have a very special bond, though, as of late we aren't very close. i think we are just on very different paths right now and until they meet we don't have much common ground. we aren't arguing every time we see each other, or anything like that, we just aren't really hanging out w/ each other either.

i'm going to graduate from a 4 year institution in may and i'm very much looking forward to that. however, my goal is to be a veterinarian so i have a lot of schooling ahead of me still...

i need to take that aforementioned shower now before my boyfriend gets here to pick me up - but i think this is a fair start at an introduction.

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